This is pascal's leg after the accident by a day or two
Hello everybody,
On Monday when I went to walk Shakira and Pascal, when I was close by the stairs that lead to my house, Pascal's leash fell out of my hand and he ran to the road, and a car was passing by really fast and the ran car over him in front of my eyes!!! He flew about three or four meters and I thought he died, but then I saw him running towards to me and he was dragging his right-back leg after him...
The driver stopped and asked what happened, he thought he ran over a child, my mom's partner Ziad told him that what a dog's life doesn't mater???
Then we went inside to dress and me, my mom, my mom's partner, Shakira and Pascal went to the vet, and where there for two whole hours, and Pascal had to stay for the night, I was in shock and Pascal's childhood is now gone...
But he is fine his leg is not broken, but it still hearts him, he can't even climb the stairs.
Hope every body learns to hold the leash better and nothing will happen to your dog.